Monday, June 21, 2010

NSW Transport - new enabling legislation is passed

The community expects the Government to deliver a transport system that is integrated and coordinated; has a high standard of reliability and cleanliness; has coordinated timetables that effectively link trains, buses and ferries with each other; has easy to navigate transport interchanges; manages incidents when they occur in an efficient and coordinated way; has the appropriate resources in place to deliver improved services; continues to expand to cater for the future in a timely and coordinated way; has a single person in charge who is accountable for improved services, rather than multiple transport providers doing their own thing; focuses on reducing congestion through both immediate network improvements and integrated long-term strategies and infrastructure investment; and, most importantly, is safe.
John Robertson, Minister for Transport, to the parliament, June 2nd, 2010.

Click heree for a full Hansard transcript of the Minister's speech and the debate.

Full copy of the published Transport Administration Amendment Bill 2010.

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